Random Code - the Endless Possibilities
Random code builds an extra connection between Contacts and Submits, and brings in more possibilities for fixed patterns.
How to Merge Duplicated Contacts
Merge duplicated contacts to get a well-organized contact list easily by clicking buttons.
Option limits -A Good Tool for Reservation
You may use the Set Option Limits feature in select-type widgets to set the option quotas for products, services or others.
How to Import Contacts from File
Importing contacts from a file is the quickest way to increase the number of your contacts in MikeCRM.
Introducing the Mail Reports
Want to know the meanning of these groups of data: Send, Delivered, Opened, Clicked and Unsubscribed? Read this.
Video Playback Widget
You can insert videos from third-party video sites and display more information in a form by using the widget - Video Playback.
How to Design a Slick and Friendly Form?
Here are 10 tips for you to make a slick and friendly Form, follow them , you will become a form export.
How to Write A Good Email
The quality of email content is the core of email marketing. Naturally, writing a good email is the prerequisite of successful email campaigns.
Trigger Mail – Sending a Customized Mail to Submitters
“Trigger Mail”allows you to send a customized mail to submitters upon submit automatically.
What is ”Form Captcha”
After you activate it, the submitter has to enter the correct graphic-based captcha to submit, which could effectively prevent fake machine submit.
How to Quickly Search Contacts
MikeCRM has provided you with two solutions to help you search and find contacts quickly.
Image Edit Toolkit, be the master of your own image
This Toolkit provides more professional features to edit the image uploaded, such as image crop and size adjusting.
Customize Domain
We strongly recommend you to customize your own domain to get free publicity for your brand and avoid risk.
Download Speed-up
MikeCRM has provided the System Extension Packages to empower you with the system-level enhancement features.
Download ATTM in Notice
This form extension package allows you to download attachments in Submit notice emails with no need of logging in MikeCRM.
Account Types and Their Authorities
There are three types of account in an organization: Admin, Normal, and Limited. They own different authorities in MikeCRM.
Introducing the Slider
The Slider features displaying multiple images within a limited space, and the images can be inserted with hyperlinks to redirect visitors to different pages.
Rich Text Editor Plug-in
The package allows you to set the Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout effects of the selected text, change the text color and its background color, and customize the font size.
Structured Filter
In the List view of the form-Submit page, if you want to locate some specific Submits, use the feature "Structured Filter".
Encrypted Data Transfer
The Encrypted Data Transfer make the form armed with the HTTPS protocol to effectively guarantee data security during the data transmission process.
Rank Calculation
Ranking widget can play a greater role by bearing the function of voting. And the package is prepared to get the final ranking statistic automatically.
Custom Brand Logo
With the package enabled, you can highlight your company brand by uploading your brand's logo and customizing the text, which are displayed at the middle of form footer.
The Introduction of Ticket Validation
If you are going to organize an event, you can use the Ticket Validation extension package to generate and validate tickets just in a few simple steps.
A Must For Releasing A Form
Page loading speed is vital to the user experience, especially when you are conducting an event and collecting information from participants or when your form demonstration items you are selling contains a lot of pictures. Slow loading can significantly strain user experience when there are a brunch of images waiting to be loaded or some of your users are directly blocked from a form due to limited network resources.
Settings | Does the server region of accounts matter?
The new MikeCRM features a well-designed global architecture, aiming at providing service to people all over the world.